- In order to test the progress of the students, test and examinations are conducted along with viva voce. A thorough assessment of the students is made giving weightage for all the tests and exams conducted to consider promotion to higher classes. Hence equal importance should be given by the students for all tests and exams conducted.
- Two tests followed by first examinations (Mid Term) & further 2 tests followed by the II term (Final examination). All test & midterm examination answer papers are sent to the parents after correction for their perusal & parents are requested to sign & return them within 3days. Progress report is sent after the tests & terminal examinations for parents' information & signature.
A minimum of 35% of marks in each subject is a pass for the purpose of promotion; the work of the pupil during the whole year will be taken into consideration to help the people to be regular, persevering & studious, throughout the year. If the pupil is absent for any test or examination, he / she is considered as having failed in that particular subject, unless the absence is for medical reasons.
To be eligible for promotion, a student should also have a minimum attendance of 75% of the schools’ working days. If a student FAILS continuously for 2 years in the same class, the student will be issued a transfer certificate. The results of the students are decided by a promotion committee. Its decision is final.